Updated office hours! Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm EST (by appointment only) Saturdays, 9am – 5pm EST

Understanding the Relationship Between Trauma and Anger

One issue that can arise in the aftermath of trauma is a difficulty regulating your anger.

We are all impacted by our experiences, but trauma can have devastating impacts on your emotion regulation and behaviors. Trauma changes the wiring of your brain in order to help you avoid threats in the future. Unfortunately, it can also skew your perspective and see threats where one does not actually exist. One issue that […]

What Are the Different Types of Traumas?

The important thing is not to invalidate or dismiss your own traumatic experiences, and to understand different forms that trauma might take. Let’s discuss the different types of trauma in this blog, as well as how you can receive support.

Trauma looks different for each person who suffers from it. It may not always come from what we commonly think of as a horrific event. Someone could be traumatized from witnessing a crime, but also from abuse at the hands of their parents, or even being picked on through their school years. You also might […]

Trauma-Informed Care: What is it and Why You Need to Know

There’s a new buzzword circulating the mental health field and counseling offices: trauma-informed care. This adjusted way of thinking has been revolutionizing the way professionals provide therapy, and you are likely to encounter it in your mental health journey. If you’ve looked through our therapist page you’ve probably seen trauma-informed care or trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy in […]

Types of Trauma: Emotional, Physical, Divorce, PTSD and CPTSD

Trauma can be acute (short lasting), chronic (long lasting) or complex (multiple and long lasting), but it always leaves a mark. All of us have experienced emotional wounds. Whether it’s a bad break up, a divorce, the loss of a loved one, having survived a natural disaster, or verbal and emotional abuse, we carry scars both […]